Mastering Map Work KCSE Geography
Map Work is integral to the understanding of not only K.C.S.E. Geography but also career areas like Surveying and Geology that render themselves to Map Work. This is why passing and understanding Map Work at K.C.S.E. is compulsory not an option.
This book Mastering Map Work K.C.S.E. Geography comes in handy for help to that end.
Map Work is examined in Paper 1, Section B question 6 of the Geography K.C.S.E. examination. All areas that are examined are covered in depth in this book. The concepts are explained in a simple straightforward manner with appropriate examples that enhance understanding. Colour maps are given to simulate the K.C.S.E. examination scenario.
At the end of the revision notes, sample K.C.S.E. questions and answers are provided. These questions will give the
candidate a view of what to expect as well as guidance on how to answer questions in order to score maximum marks.