Move On: Bounce Back From Life's Destabilizing Setbacks

by Jacob T. Kaimenyi

Even in our best form, we are never quite prepared for the impact of misfortunes, catastrophes, accidents or other debilitating setbacks. We drain our energies daily trying to prop up our achievements and prevent our fortunes from caving in.

We writhe and wallow endlessly, when we encounter a multitude of setbacks that open us up to feelings of fear, inadequacy, failure and frustration.

The author, Professor Jacob Kaimenyi aims to spur you to fortify yourself, not against failure or loss, but against becoming obsolete in the face of such circumstances, for it the ability for a comeback in the event of foreseeable and unforeseeable setbacks in your life that matters.

The book also seeks to grant its readers the power to embrace the moral strength to confront the reality of their pain and loss, rise from the dust, reinvent themselves and give life another shot.

ISBN: 9789914706994 SKU: BK00000004976
KES 765 KES 850
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