The Environment and Noah's Ark

by JG Nyamu

The author starts off by arguing that the Biblical Noah's Ark, flood renewed the world and the creator established a covenant with man and the environment. The creator's purpose was to create a righteous people and therefore the environment had a moral and righteous dimension right from the beginning.

However due to transgressions and sins of man the environment is again degraded and is now on the brink of total destruction. Recognising the great effort made by man especially in the last 50 years or so both at international and domestic levels, the author has described and outlined the effort which he says is largely based on sustainability and development as the factors influencing both the effort and the resources allocated to the challenge.

He calls this the garment!!! He endeavours to persuade that what is critical in facing environmental challenges is the heart of man without which all will be in vain.

The environment action plans and the resources must have a moral dimension for environmental challenges to be fully met. He concludes by comparing the Noah’s flood waters with the new era waters of baptism both of which depict the righteous and moral dimension of the environment. He concludes by challenging every person to join in the fight to restore the environment.

Listen to this:
"The fact that more than 60% of the world’s wealth is owned by 2% of the world’s population speaka volumes about the premium our economic, political and social systems have placed on individual acquicitions and the downgrading of the common good, nearly everywhere in the world regardless of the idealogical leaning-this is poverty of love.”
Re-echos Stookholm Conference movingwords
"Individuals in all walks of life, as wall as organisations: flelds by their values and some of their actions will shape the world, environment of the future"
Cites the role of man:
“Under the feet of man lie all things including the environment, man's endowment and
posaibilites as the central figure of environment was very well put by the Psalmist...”

ISBN: 9789966112705 SKU: 2030317000398
KES 550
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